Welcome to Wildlife TV/ Denbury Farm Forum

Where you can post about wildlife, webcams on Wildlife TV, ask each other questions and keep in touch with other forum users. As with the last forum we have no rules on your postings, we want it to be a friendly place, so no politics or religion unless it is to do with subjects that relate to wildlife. Please do not use the Forum to make contact about holiday bookings.

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The wind have blown a very old apple tree down today. It hasn’t been over windy but with the ground still holding a lot of moisture after the wet winter it has weakened the roots and down it has come. It has not helped seeing the tree full of blossom and that it had fallen across the track that leads from the Farm House to our valley, completely blocking any way into the valley or I would have left it and let it carry on living. Most of the trees in the orchard are old cider trees and not what you would eat if you had the choice, but this one and a couple of the others were good eaters. Unfortunately we will have to cut it up.

Mick so sorry to hear about your eye, keep your chin up !

Betty any news yet on your results ?

Elsie how are you and Harold doing ?

Jan long time no hear from you ! Didn’t manage to get to Little Munden this week, too many things going on at the moment and John is now scheduled to go into hospital next Monday, just hope that all goes well for him ! but have been told that because of his prostate cancer treatment that 1 in 5 have a recurrence of hernias so it looks like he is one of the 1 in 5 unfortunately !!!!

Pouring with rain here today and forecast for the whole of the weekend

Good to hear from you Karen – keep it up !!!!

Well I see that the nursery in the barn is getting smaller now so not many more lambs expected

Have been keeping an eye on Mabel she is doing really well with her incubating just hope that at least one of her eggs hatches !

I did manage to see the kingfisher yesterday, albeit a quick glimpse of him/her !

I still haven’t managed to see many badgers or cubs in the evening, must be looking at the wrong time of night !

Have a good weekend everyone

Jenny x

Mr Farmer, I hope you will let me put this web site on your site as it is showing the shooting of rare birds in Malta. The police are arresting innocent campers on public ground in favor of the shooters. It shows Hen Harriers and a Little Bittern which could have come from the Somerset levels. The site is : http://www.chrispackham.co.uk/.

Mick,i have been following Chris Packham in Malta on You Tube,he’s done a short programme about the shootings,it’s been on since Monday,on at 9pm,not very nice viewing but you can see what is going on with migatory birds.

Mr Farmer, will the horses and sheep be going back in to the fields next month. I remember from other years about them going out in May when the new spring grass has grown.

I am so pleased about the Horse being rescued. I would have gone ape at the person that caused that to it thankfully Solo will be happy and content now it beggers belief how folk can be so heartless and cruel.. I like the carving very powsh cant wait to see the photo of this Wagon what a nice hobby….Well the badger cub were certainly enjoying there play, last nigh they are so delightful and a pleasure to see Karen Stoke

Loved the picture you posted Mr Farmer! Also I have managed to see the badger cubs! it brings back so many memories of past years!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Farmer, It is not the one that I have just tracked from Africa as that is now in Northampton. It is the first of a few and no doubt one may pass by any your farm on its way north into Wales. We don’t seem to get many here any more just the ones passing through,

Oh No 10.30 pm your time looks like a live snake in the nest. If it is a water snake or eel would it eat the eggs!! When it pops it’s head up Lady just looks at it as if to say what is that. Showing No interest in eating it. Betty Canada

I am sorry that I havnt posted recently on the forum this is due to a few health problems but I have tried to keep up with all that is posted. Elsie Happy Anniversary to you and Harold. I am sorry that you are not having good weather in Bradford. We have had super sunshine all day for the past few days (not usual for Scotland ) but great for Mabel and her eggs. Thank you for your updates on the badgers Mr Farmer I am loving seeing them at the feeding station
Val Perth

Kingfisher on webcam one. at 19. 50 First I have seen this year It had just caught a fish that was a little to big or a quick feed that made it struggle to swallow.

There were two Badger Cubs out playing last night with six or seven other adults from the sett. Although with the number of Badgers I had seen I had guessed that there were cubs, there was not signs as in other years with the bedding being changed every few days or so. It was good to know that they were breeding. Later a Roe deer turned up for a feed so it was a busy night on the webcams.

What a cold Easter Sunday here in Bradford. overcast and trying to rain. Wonder when all this hot weather is coming that has been forecast for weeks. Supposed to be between May and September !!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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