
There are five new photographs on the Photo page from…

There are five new photographs on the Photo page from number eleven. All from CH.

Five pictures taken on a walk between Kidlington and Oxford along the Oxford Canal. CH.

The Kingfishers doesent seem to be using the branch in the Lake as much as they did last year. I have caught them on the webcam a couple of times, and was fortunate to have seen one of them diving to catch the fish. Last year they would perched on the branch nearly every day for long periods. When I have walked around the lake I often see them darting about and seen one landing on the plant on the Island. We have put a new branch near to where I had seen one land in the hope that it would use the new branches, As of yet we have not had any luck. I spoke to Peter at the Lock yesterday, and I mentioned not seeing the Kingfishers as much this year. Peter suggested a trick that photographers use when they are photographing Kingfishers. They put Fish into a bucket and put it into the water by a branch with just a little of the bucket above water so as the Fish don’t escape. The idea is that the Kingfisher will catch from the bucket. I asked one of this weeks Fishing Holiday Guests that when he is fishing will he try to catch a few small Fish with a net that I have given him. He is as keen to see the Kingfisher as much as we are. Only trouble is that the small Fish are not very easy to catch.

I am sure that a lot of you have seen the Fox that is frightening the Badgers away from the food most nights. I cant believe that the Badgers are allowing the Fox to get away with it. Usually the Badger is well capable to see the Fox off. After the Fox has frightened the Badgers off they are not returning for the food. Last night I went back up to the feeding site in the hope that I would frighten it off for the night, no sooner that I got back to the Farm House he was out again. He had on an hid somewhere in the bushes when he heard me coming.

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