Welcome to Wildlife TV/ Denbury Farm Forum

Where you can post about wildlife, webcams on Wildlife TV, ask each other questions and keep in touch with other forum users. As with the last forum we have no rules on your postings, we want it to be a friendly place, so no politics or religion unless it is to do with subjects that relate to wildlife. Please do not use the Forum to make contact about holiday bookings.

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Thank you for putting my pictures on the gallery Mr Farmer, forgot I sent them in ๐Ÿ™‚
I’ve just been watching a male bullfinch on my seed feeder, first one I’ve seen on the feeders, such a beautiful bird ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
love the picture of the meerkat soo cute ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
have you found any swallow nests yet Mr Farmer, have seen more swifts than swallow’s here so far ๐Ÿ™‚

There is a photo on the Gallery. Not too good as they would not stay still.

We stopped showing the Meerkat webcam as I had a major problem with the mob. The mob was a Mother and 5 pups. The Mother left the mob. I can only think that she was looking for a mate. Her 5 pups got on very well so I introduced a new male about 8 months ago. No problems until 2 months ago when I found a female being bullied and excluded from the group. A week later it happened to another. This went on until there was just the male and the alpha female in the enclosure. We managed to make two new groups by getting a couple of new males. We housed them in 2 new large enclosures with the intention of keeping the first out of the 3 groups who produced pups. Donating the other 2 groups to Zoos who we knew wanted them.

A month ago one of the new groups had 3 pups. One was born in the bag and died. 2 days later the other new group had 4 pups. Again one was born in the bag. Today in the original enclosure we have seen a pup. Don’t know yet how many pups they have had. As soon as I know I will let you know. Now we have a stable mob I will soon put the webcam back. I know Elsie will be pleased.

2 photos on the Gallery. A couple of photoโ€™s of the littlest baby blue tit from my nesting box they fledged this morning, only had two fledge out of 9 eggs laid. Jan(herts)

Karen, Yes I think we can all see your comment and yes it would be nice if we can see the new fawn with its mother. I would think that it would be left in the long grass in the meadow somewhere for a little while.

Can any one else see my comment below Mr F post about the forum playing up because its telling me my comment is awaiting moderation ??? Jenny I have to seen the eggs the other day non were brooding them she is fast asleep on them now poor dear Mabel I could weep for her I am trying to get the badger cam up looking out for deer how nice a kid with it somewhere it wont be long for us to see it, it will get comfortable with the surroundings soon and if we are lucky one of us might spot it. Karen Stoke

Oh dear how very sad it looks like Mabel and Toy Boy have now realised that the eggs are not going to hatch ! There were no signs of them late last night sitting on the eggs and I saw Mabel early this morning and now the nest is empty with two lonely eggs !!!!

Jenny x

The Roe Deer that is visiting the Badger Feeding area has a Kid. On the way to feeding the Badgers tonight I saw its tiny hoof print so it must be close by.

The Home Page seems to have a few problems this morning. The webcam are working on the other pages

Karen, If you can sleep during the day, then grab it while you can at least till you see the new doctor.

I don’t sleep much these days no but I have had a letter to ask me to make an appointment with the specialist as my Dr is stuck now he said…. how I kept calm its the pills believe me I told him when he asked how I was, I said have you by any chance watched one flew over the cuckoo`s Nest he nodded I said well pick a character I am there lol ….I am kind of a sloth all the time like I am in a world of my own I tried to sleep last night oh no I had to get up I am so angry I could cry but the pills don’t allow me to. You should see my Garden I will have to force myself to do it one morning about 6 when it gets warmer then try to sleep..

I am so sad about our Mabel & Toy-Boy this year but I blame him to be perfectly frank with you he took his eye of the bloody ball didn’t he and left them eggs open to the crow I hope this has taught him??? for the future….We have to prepare ourselves She wont return one year that will be so sad that day will be she is one hell of a Bird is Mabel never will there be another that can hold a light to her as far as I am concerned oh id like give toy boy a tap on the beak I knew this would happen when they said the crow had had the egg off I immediately thought hope it didn’t damage any of the others well Natures way they are dud such a shame aww

Karen Stoke

I have just seen an owl in the barn which flew up onto the box over centre of entrance and then flew to the far right disdurbing two doves from their roost also I think I saw a fox run by along by the stream, but was too fast for me to make out.

Well we still love Lady whatever happens and thank her for the fabulous viewing she gives us every year.

So sad we have no osprey chicks this year but considering Lady’s age anything could happen. At least we have had the pleasure of seeing her again. I was watching the goslings enjoying themselves in the stream yesterday, they were chasing each other across the water. Even though the camera was far off you could still see them. It is good to think that they have all survived this year. Who knows how many will come back next year. Mr Farmer, haven’t heard anything about the black swans for a while, has it not turned out well.

This makes sad reading but think that most of us realised that nothing would happen this year !

Jenny x

Osprey News 31st May: No Eggs Hatched- What Next?

So folks, the sad reality is that we do not have any hatched eggs on our osprey nest at Loch of the Lowes this year. With all the eggs now well past their normal incubation cut off dates ( all well over 40 days) , we have to accept the reality that, barring a miracle, we will not have chicks this year. Whilst sorely disappointing for us all , this is a natural phenomenon and something we will just have to accept.

We must remember that this is only the second time in 24 years that this female has failed to hatch chicks so this is not something we have seen often here. The last time was in 2011 so we donโ€™t have a lot of precedent to go by, in terms of what to expect . What we must remember is that this is a great opportunity to study their behaviour and add to our osprey knowledge.

As one of our osprey watch volunteers said this afternoon, we should all focus on the fact that we have our beloved veteran female osprey here at all this year, and enjoy watching her because who knows if this will be her last year? We will all also be able to follow the osprey breeding season on other nests where many of our friends and colleagues at other UK sites on Wildlife Trust, RSPB, Forestry Commission reserves etc are having better luck than us this year!

Q: Why are you continuing the 24hr nest watch when there will be no chicks?

A: Whilst there as still eggs on the nest, there is still a risk from human eggs thieves ( who donโ€™t care if they are rotten). Also, we believe the birds deserve to be left alone in peace to decide naturally when to give up incubating and the watch ensures they are not disturbed.

Q: How long will the birds continue incubating?
A: We donโ€™t know- it could be a week, to could be a month. In 2011 is was 70 days.

Q: Are all the flies on the nest a sign the eggs are rotten?

A: The presence of flies in the nest is normal but there do seem to be a lot this year- but then the weather has been very warm.

Q: How long will the adults stay around the loch ? Will there still be ospreys to see?

A: In our experience, both the adult birds will stay here at Loch of the Lowes for the summer, fishing and visiting the nest etc. In 2011 they migrated just a little earlier than usual in August.

Q: If you donโ€™t have nay chicks this year, would you consider satellite tagging a chick from another location?

A: we already have contingency plans to tag an osprey chick from another local SWT reserve , but of course we will have to wait and see how things go on those nests too.

Ranger Emma

So sorry Karen to hear about your sleeping problems. I have depression and am now on seraquil (quetiapine fumurate) (in Canada) 75mg at night and it works well for me. It is by prescription. If you look it up on line you might find the UK equivalent. It is the only thing that has ever worked for me and I don’t wake up groggy in the morning. I still get nights that I don’t sleep but most nights are good and I stay asleep once I have gone off. It is actually an anti-psychotic in higher doses but they found that it helps with sleep and mood for depression in lower doses. Hope it helps.
So sorry to hear about the rabbits Jenny. What a fright. We stayed with friends in York a few years ago and we had just sat down to a lovely Christmas Dinner and in came Casper the cat with a live blackbird to add to the feast!!
Here where we live in Canada most people keep their cats as indoor cats because of the racoons and coyote etc. Ours are very content and only ever come to the door when we have been away to Florida and they hear the car come back but they still don’t try to get out. The Winters are just too cold for them outside
Jenny so glad hubby’s problems seem to be behind him, is it soon time for your jaw check-up? My tummy is behaving a little better without having to go for any tests but the pain is still about the same but I have my morphine.

Karen, you and I make a good pair with our sleeping problem, last night I never slept at all and yet I don’t feel tired today. Something has seriously gone wrong with my sleep pattern. We have loads of sparrows and dunnocks in our garden, they have bred one lot of young and are now preparing the nests for their second brood. I do like them though as I think they are a delight to watch. What another awful day weather wise, you get sick of it, hopefully it is going to change tomorrow.

Bitter sweet justice maybe – I have just taken a phone call from Andrea, our daughter to tell us that the rabbits have eaten all the bedding plants that they lovingly planted in their garden over the weekend !!!!

Jenny x

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