
Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

Racing pigeon having a lift on Rogers ship.
Carol Wolves

This is Cassie on the left who sadly died a couple of weeks ago she had done a 26 mile hike, I think they call it long distance. she started to show signs of great distress on her return to the stables. So a Vet was called and she was rushed to Liverpool it was diagnosed as twisted gut she lost her life, her owners are distraught as you can well imagine. Chester my sisters horse is the rogue on the right… Karen Stoke

Hyacinth, there is nothing quite as nice as the scent from these for me. Karen Stoke

A new product? ready stuffed chickens! Maurice.

Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly drying itself in the sun after emerging from my tiny wildlife pond in Hastings. East Sussex.

We left the gate open around the Lake so that the Geese could graze just outside of the fenced area but they were having none of it. I tried to coax them with a scoop of corn but they decided to go so far and no further. I scattered the corn on the grass and went around the Lake. On the way back I I was behind the Geese and tried to push them on towards the gate in the hope that they would go through the gate but there was no contest trying to stop eight Geese from getting passed me and I soon gave up. I will put there feed closer to the gate when I feed them. They will only need to go through once and they will no be worried. Our Holiday Guest who was fishing us that when ever the Geese hear my voice even if it is near the Farm House they swim to the direction of where I feed them.

It wasn’t until I read Roses entry on the Forum that realised that the Brno Beaver webcam was up and working. As far as I was concerned
the location was to far from a broadband connection and electricity to be able to get a webcam going. I will contact the Zoo on Monday to find out more about it. It is great to get it on our website. I tried to get a translation from the text but it came out like double dutch. We may have a Czech speaking viewer who could translate it for us. If not I will get a translation on Monday from the Zoo. I found the webcam took a little slow to load, so be patient.

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