
There are five new photographs on the Photo page starting…

There are five new photographs on the Photo page, starting from number eleven. Getting short of photographs again.

How would you like a ride on this, THE BIG ONE, Blackpool. Elsie.

My little terror….sorry Terrier!
From Judy.

Charlie the plastic Heron ,getting looked over by a real Heron in lancashire Angela

I dont know were this was one of my children sent it to me Angela

Windsor Castle taken last July. PM.

For the past two night our broadband connection must have gone down for a minute or two. When I got up yesterday morning the webcams were off. When I came down about this morning they were off again. When they do go off I can see what time it has happened. Both times it was about I will check them at about 1.30am overnight to see if they have gone down, Ill turn them back if they have.

I spoke to the Veterinary today about Emmi seeping colostrum from her teats. If she doesn’t have the Foal soon we may have a bit of a problem. What ever happens the Foal will need the colostrum otherwise there is very little chance of it living for more than a short while. Emmi is not loosing a vast amount of the colostrum, but an amount that if she stands in one place for any length of time it is noticeable on the ground. We will have to wait and see and hope that she Foals very soon.

There has been a herd of Red Deer in the valley on and off for the past few weeks. I counted seven last night, but I should think that there would have been more in the woods. Going by the Forum this morning, with a couple of people seeing them this morning, drinking out of the stream they must have stayed all night. They could be the Herd that were involved in the Rut that we had here in the Autumns. Until a few years back, most years some gave birth in a clearing in the wood on the left hand side of the valley. We only ever saw one Calf in all of that time. At the time I wasn’t very pleased to see them, they would eat a lot of my grass that we needed for the Cattle that we kept. Now we only make hay from the grass. As much as I would like to have the hay, its good to know that the Deer are having it. With a bit of luck the Deer may give birth here, and who knows we may see a Calf.

I got a photograph from Bliss and Misty’s Trainer today. It was of Misty on the gallops. It is not because she is my Horse, but she looks really good. I am not going to put the photograph on the Photo page until I get a photograph of Bliss, the Trainer said he will try he would try to send one tonight. All going well I will be able to put two on tomorrow.

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