
We have twelve lambs now there are more due looking…

We have twelve lambs now, there are more due looking at the udders of the Ewes. I should think most of them will have their lambs within a couple of weeks. Three of the Texel Ewes have five lambs between them, they seem to be staying very close to each other. Today is the first time for three days, that they have been out in the fields. For some reason that have been living in the wood, very close to where the Fox lair must be. It was a bit of a worry with the noise that the Foxes are making. It sounds that they are fighting over food, with the sheep so close we think that the Foxes have had one of the lambs, but none of them are missing.

I have shown the sheep on camera, late this afternoon. The lambs have not stopped running around playing, it seemed for ever. They made me feel exhausted just watching them. The Ewe who’s twins died has been on her own for the last couple of days. When any other sheep come nearby, she wonders a little bit away from them. A Portland Ewe lost her lamb this afternoon. The Ewe was up and down the valley calling for the lamb, so many times, that she must have run a marathon. She disappeared and her calling stopped, she either fell over exhausted, or more likely found the lamb, who I should think had been fast asleep in a hedge.

I need to move all of the sheep off of the fields that they are on at the moment. These fields are the hay and horse grazing fields, we need to let the grass grow. With the sheep eating the grass, we will need to keep the horses in of a night time, when they should be out. It also save us a lot of work when they are out. We have fenced an area for them to be moved, down at the far end of the valley, we must get them down there very soon.

The geese must be alternating between different lakes. We heard the two pairs fly onto our lake this morning. They have been squabbling all day long. It looks like one pair has started to nest. That could well be the problem, after all the work they have put into it, they don’t want to be chased off. They need to sort themselves out before another pair like the look of the lake, at the times they are away.

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