
At Rye Harbour last night we had a big thunderstorm…

At Rye Harbour last night we had a big thunderstorm and lots of rain… and power cuts, so that explains why our webcams went black for a while. I was concerned that the Common Tern chicks might have suffered, but they all look OK this morning. There are 3 types of food being brought in, long silver sand eels, other shorter silver fish and brown shrimps, but the sand eels are the best food for growing chicks. The older chicks are now moving around quite a bit, but they quickly recognise their parents bringing back food and beg to get noticed! Barry. Rye Harbour.

I have moved the camera from the Swallows nest that the fledgling have just left. The fledglings are returning to the barn of a night. The three of them a doing well, unfortunately they are not going into the nest. It would have been nice to have seen them, but the camera would be better used on another nest. The camera is now looking at the first nest that I tried to show, that was built onto the electrical junction box. There are five eggs in the nest. Two of them have been there for some time and I should think that they are not fertile. Three other eggs have been laid recently, but I am not over confident that they are fertile either. The adults are returning to the nest and sitting on the eggs, so there must be a chance that they will hatch. I will leave the camera in the place it is for a week, whilst the adults are returning, unless I find another nest, then I will change it over.

The Jay is a colourful Bird, we do get them on the farm on the feeders, about this time of the year for maybe a couple of months, but rarely other than that. They are from the same family as the Magpie. As the Magpie they raid other Birds nests for both the nestlings and eggs. Where the Magpie rarely feeds from the Bird feeders, the Jays always do. As colourful as they are I would prefer that they went else where.

Willow does look good on camera, but she is loosing her baby coat, and looks very moth eaten. If you saw her you would think that she had been bitten, or that she was not being looked after. When we put her into the field after being in for her feed, Bliss and Misty wait most time for her at the gate, all three walking off together, Willow not concerned that Lady is not with her. We have started to put two bowls of feed in the stable, as yesterday I noticed that Lady was pushing Willow away a little.

We are going to try to let Breeze run with the rest of the Horses tomorrow. She has been penned off on her own for nearly two weeks. We don’t like doing it to her. Being the leader of the Herd, she tries to boss Lady about. When we first let Lady and Willow in with Breeze, when they came back from the stud, we had a bit of a kicking session and it could have become dangerous for Willow. Hopefully with them all of them being in the same field together, with Breeze on her own in an electric fenced off area she will get use to them. She did last year. After a bit of galloping about they settled and there was no more problems.

After speaking to the Butterfly Farm the camera started going. They are waiting for a new Queen for the Leaf Cutter Ants, so you may only see the odd one on the rope until it arrives.


Willow wants to be friends with every one She is…

Willow wants to be friends with every one. She is very similar to Bliss in her ways. All Lady’s Foals have been the same, friendly and very easy to manage. To Lady’s annoyance, Willow seems to be spending more time with Bliss and Misty. Lady will suffer it for a while, when it has been to long, the with her ears back she walks towards Bliss and Misty to let them know. Of course it is not their fault, Willow just likes to be with the youngsters.

With Woody loosing her Foal, I was concerned that Willow would lack the company of another youngster to run about and generally interact with. She is doing that with Bliss and Misty. Willow seems to be having a great time racing around the field with them. You may have seen Willow rearing up and giving little bucks, when she is with the youngsters, this is to try to get them to run with her. I will need to get another Foal, for when Willow is weaned off of Lady, so that she has the company of another foal over the Winter.

Because of the weather forecast, when the Horses came in for their feed tonight we had intended to keep Lady, Willow and Woody in for the night. I had been watching Lady and the Foal on the camera. With Lady being so restless, even with the rain coming in, it would be better for them to be out in the field. When we went to get them out, Woody was laying down and had not eaten her feed. Normally if we get Lady out of her stable Woody will get up straight away, wanting to be out with Lady. Tonight she stayed laying down. On checking her half an hour later she was laying flat out. I was thinking that she may be getting a little better, as she has been eating well. As I have said before, her condition has to be taken day by day.

Going on from my Sons encounter with the Bull, that I told you about on Monday. A Lady I knew some years back, was very seriously injured by a Friesian Cow. She was a Farmers wife who milked their herd. She was a Lady in her late fifties, and had milked Cows all of her life, so she was very experienced. At milking times Cows get into a habit of going into the milking parlour on their own. On ringed fenced farms, you only need to open the gates. Most times the Cows are waiting and make their way to the parlour. There is a hierarchy in herd, some Cows get very annoyed if it is broken. On farms where is needed to go on the road, the Cows still know there way to the parlour, but you need to walk with them in case one decides to take an unwanted detour. It was on walking back with the Cows that the Lady got injured. She was following behind the herd, but needed to get in front of them. as she was passing them, one of the Cows turned towards the Lady, pushing her into a hedge and started to gore her. There was no one there to help her, but somehow she managed to get away, sustaining, broken ribs and head injuries. She was hospitalised, but did make a full recovery.