
Starting from number one there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number one there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

Baltimore Oriole in our garden BETTY CANADA

Female ruby throated humming bird in our garden (female doesn’t have the red throat} BETTY CANADA

Red squirrel on our deck BETTY CANADA

?What squirrel on our fence BETTY CANADA

Chickadee in our garden, very small like a bluetit BETTY CANADA

We managed to make hay from the 5 acres that we cut on Wednesday. We got 31 large round bales from the Field. I didn’t think that we were going to make any after have rain on Thursday. We only cut the grass on listening to the forecast on the Wednesday. On the Wednesday evening forecast and even the local forecast on Thursday promised it was going to be dry and sunny until late this afternoon. The Wednesday forecast showed a weather front the the middle of the country, no where near the Southwest. Obviously the Met Office got it wrong for on Thursday it rain on the Farm. In Weston Super Mare it bucketed down. It beggars belief that they cant see rain clouds. You must have seen that the Met Office 1,700 employees, yes 1,700 and they still cant get it right, are going to get a share in a


Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

Just a few pics I took while at Dad’s at the weekend

Painted Lady butterfly. Jill, Epping

Bumble bee on flower. Jill, Epping

Bee and hoverfly(?) Jill, Epping

Blue delphinium. Jill, Epping

Monarch Butterfly caterpillar on a milkweed plant. Penny, Chicago Chicago Chicago


Starting from number six there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number six there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

Some pictures from Minnesota .

A beaver (the dark head) on Lake Itasca -the headwaters of the Mississippi River . Penny

Yellow spatterdock, a variety of water lily, also called cow lily, on Lake Itasca . Penny

Moonrise over Lake Miltona . Penny

Beaver Lodge . Penny

Largest Minnesota White Pine




Sorry no Diary or Photo Page as I have just…

Sorry no Diary or Photo Page as I have just finished the Farm work.


Starting from number one there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number one there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

A tree I came across in Cornwall.

Some coastal rock formations in North Cornwall.

Looks like Arthur is arising from the waves to save us – might be a bit late!

Lions at Cotswold Park.

Raglan Castle.

We have cut 5 acres of grass today in the hope that we may have 5 days of dry weather to make some hay. I am not holding my breath that the Met Office forecast for the next 4 to 5 days is going to be right, they haven’t managed it in July other than 2 or 3 days. The other were from one day to the next with them changing their guesses in the hope that we may not notice that they have been changed.

It is not any persons fault for the rain we have had over the past month, but someone should have to answer for the wrong forecasting. We could have made hay in June but we held it off because of the barbeque weather we were promised. This is the latest that we have tried to make hay in all the time we have been at Denbury. It is not going to be that good even if the weather stays fine. All of the seed has dropped and a lot of the grass went over its best weeks back. New grass is even growing through the old. It is also the first time that we have not cut all of our grass to make hay. We have only cut 5 acres knowing that there is a good chance the weather forecast is going to be wrong. Not a good way to have to work to bring in our crop.

Most of the cereal farmers have not been able to combine their barley because of the weather. The barley should have been harvested at least two weeks ago. Some of the seed would have dropped meaning less barley and higher prices. Lets hope we get a good spell of dry and warm weather.


Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

Bosherton South Wales . Wonderful walks, views and wildlife if you ever get the chance to visit. Jacqui

Views of Broadhaven beach. This is a real surprise to find once you have walked around the lakes at Bosherton. Jacqui

I must try to find the time to get the Buzzards hunting in the Valley on the webcam. To be honest I haven’t looked this year to see where they were hunting. It was only this afternoon when I gave a ride to a young Lad that I realised that they were hunting the Valley. There were five above the edge of the Wood on the right hand side. I cant imagine that the five were part of the same family. I have rarely seen more than one youngster with the parents. Once I have seen two, but never three.

In the years we have been at Denbury up to two ago the Buzzards would nest in the Woods at the far end of the Valley. In the months of July and August I would often sit and watch the parent birds hovering above and hunting from one end of the Valley to the other for rabbits for the youngster’s. Two years ago the Buzzards nested in the Woods quite close to the Farm House. Then we would only see them hovering above. With them hunting the Valley they may have started to nest in there old areas again.

I spoke to the person who will be installing the new webcam camera in the secret location yesterday. He hopes to be able to get it going next week.


Starting from number six there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number six there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

One I took at Dungeness, just before an amazing sunset. Jill

Also a passionflower in my friernd’s garden. Jill

Starting from number six there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

A beautiful field of poppies. Jill

This osprey in Maine/USA seems to be growing a garden in her nest! Marie/NJ

Swans were local to me. Peter.

Elsie sent this letter in. A lot of those killed are to young to be there. 18 year olds who have never seen life let alone be involved in a war.

He was killed on 2 June 2009. This is the letter he wrote to be delivered to his family if he died:

Hello its me, this is gonna be hard for you to read but I write this knowing every time you thinks shits got to much for you to handle (so don’t cry on it MUM!!) you can read this and hopefully it will help you all get through.

For a start SHIT I got hit!! Now Iv got that out the way I can say the things Iv hopefully made clear, or if I havent this should clear it all up for me. My hole life you’v all been there for me through thick and thin bit like a wedding through good and bad. Without you I believe I wouldn’t have made it as far as I have. I died doing what I was born to do I was happy and felt great about myself although the army was sadly the ending of me it was also the making of me so please don’t feel any hate toward it. One thing I no I never made clear to you all was I make jokes about my life starting in the Army. That’s wrong VERY wrong my life began a LONG time before that (Obviously) but you get what I mean. All the times Iv tried to neglect the family get angry when you try teach me right from wrong wot I mean to say is I only realised that you were trying to help when I joined the army and without YOUR help I would have never had the BALLS, the GRIT and the damn right determination to crack on and do it. If I could have a wish in life it would to be able to say Iv gone and done things many would never try to do. And going to Afghan has fulfilled my dream ie my goal. Yes I am young wich as a parent must brake you heart but you must all somehow find the strength that I found to do something no matter how big the challenge. As Im writing this letter I can see you all crying and mornin my death but if I could have one wish in an “after life” it would be to stop your crying and continueing your dreams (as I did) because if I were watching only that would brake my heart. So dry your tears and put on a brave face for the rest of your friends and family who need you.
I want each and everyone of you to forfill a dream and at the end of it look at what you have done (completed) and feel the accomplishment and achievement I did only then will you understand how I felt when I passed away.

[To his brothers:] You are both amazing men and will continue to be throughout your lives you both deserve to be happy and fofill all of your dreams.



Starting from number one there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number one there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

Thank you all those who have sent in donations, and those who are checking the adds. Today some clicks are giving us 66p

Mr Farmer, I promised Elsie these pictures of Devon as she said in the forum she’d probably never get there again and she loved the area.So I said I would try to bring some of Devon to her.

Boats in Dartmouth. Janice of Leeds

South Devon railway in action. Janice of Leeds

The boatyard at Greenway, from the river. Janice of Leeds

Another family like Denbury’s! Janice of Leeds

This sheep is on Dartmoor, despite miles of grass it decided to climb a wall and nibble the tufts growing between the stones! Janice of Leeds

As we were finishing off feeding the Horses last evening we heard the Geese honking as they flew towards the Farm, when they flew over the stables on the way to the Lake we could see that they were our Geese and Goslings. They didn’t stay long on the Lake. It may well have been that the Geese were concerned for the Goslings on seeing the Swans that they decided to fly off. Although the Swan didn’t cause them any threat. In fact I thought that the Geese may well have threatened the Cygnets, but they all kept their distance from each other. The Geese even went and investigated the Island, I thought that they may well be going to settle on the Lake for a while, but it wasn’t to be.

I went to the Lake to feed both the Cygnets and Geese some bread. The Gosling came quite close for the bread but the Geese stayed well back. The Gosling obviously hadn’t forgotten, but they all managed to get some of the bread. It is surprising just how much bigger the Swans are compared to the size of the Geese.

It looks as if only four of the Gosling have survived. As you know we found the carcass of one in the Stream only last week that the Otter must have killed. Where the other one has gone we will never know. There were only three Gosling on the Lake when the left just over two weeks ago. So they managed to find one of the missing two. It could be that the missing one has survived. Its better to believe it has.

Being late when they arrived I thought that the Geese may have stayed the night, but their honking as they flew away told that they had left. I was pleased to see them.


Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

I see that Claire was asking about Thornton – well here are a few photos!

Taking a break, outside the Farmhouse; Julia

The reason he knocks on the cottage doors; Julia

The Sheep that thinks it’s a Dog – taking a walk in Denbury Woods with us, Tass and Ky. Julia

Inspired by Peter’s picture of starlings on the wires I enclose. Jill, Epping

Owl on the jump at the Badger feeding place. Marie