
Starting from number one there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number one there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

Made from a photo I took of decorations in Nottingham. A Very Merry Chris Moose to You All.

A Poor little Primula caught by the recent frosts

Is that Padfoot?? Santa and Reindeer in Victoria Shopping Centre, Nottingham

The Pantomime in Nottingham this year is Cinderella . This is reflected in the entrance to Santa’s Grotto in the Shopping Center. The last two photos are from that scene.

Cinderella and the Prince.

Cinderellas Pumpkin Coach.

Poor Ewy is a little lost now that Willow and Gypsy are now stabled. She will normally eat with one or the other when we put the feed out in the Horse Field. I believe Vicky sent in a photograph of Ewy eating with one of the Horses. Arnie, Lady and Emmi are turnout in the days. When they come in for their feed, Ewy runs part of the way in with them but she is to frightened to come all the way. She may decide to return with the other Sheep. She has been getting a lot closer than in the past. If I could catch her I would put her in with the Fillies as she is quite old and the feed that she gets with the Fillies will help her survive the Winter if it turns really bad.

Below is an email that I received from Michael in the US Virgin Island in reply to an email I sent him this morning. It will keep you up to date with the underwater webcam that we are hoping to broadcast with. It is going on a bit and I am disappointed that it is not up and running.

Sorry I didn’t respond to your last email but I did not receive an email
from you. Could you have possibly sent it using another account? I never
check junk mail, it is automatically deleted.

Regardless, here is the status of the placement of the webcam. Everything
is still a go but getting one additional agency’s approval is now necessary.
I had zero knowledge that Fish and Wildlife had any input and was broadsided
by the news. The delay is that the official approval cannot be obtained
until their next meeting, Jan 14th. Upon learning of the additional
requirement, the sponsor providing the battery has held back and will not
release the battery until final approval is granted, which is 90% guaranteed
on the 14th.

After everything is in place, we are looking at a February installation date
due to Homeland Security issues. The month of January brings 11 Cruise
ships to the mounting area. Because the areas are “swept” by divers very
often before a ship visit, we will have to wait until February when the
number of visits slows to 3.

I’m trying my best to get this up and running for your, mine and the world’s
enjoyment. There are just stumbles along the way in every first time
endeavor. Sorry for the delay.

With regards,



Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number eleven there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

The first three photographs were sent in by Sue.

Just a couple of pics from when I spent a few days with my friend in devon in october,
this is the view from her back garden
the next one wasa stallat the German Christmas market. Sarah.

Just after I had finished last night Diary Thornton very quickly started to get better. So much so that he got the devil in him and on seeing the door that leads to the upstairs open he made a dash to get upstairs. As soon as he saw that I was in pursuit, he must nearly had broke his own speed record running around one of the bedrooms. So that I would not catch him he made his exit from the bedroom by jumping onto the bed. Once out of the bedroom door he had two choices of what way to go. One was running up our long landing or the other down the stairs. Knowing he was in trouble he decided on the stairs. Unfortunately Thornton is a lot slower going down the stairs than he is at going up them, more the pity as I would be able to catch him well before he reaches the top. Thornton is now eating and drinking as he should. Thornton most defiantly had a blockage in his gut. You could see that his droppings had a coating of the liquid paraffin that he had been given to clear any blockage.

Arnie is also better with no signs of what ever it was that caused him to be unwell. He is also eating as he should and I don’t have any concern about him now.

Here is a warming thought for you, today the 21st of December is the date of the Winter Solstice. Gradually the days will now start to get longer. Although we still may have the worse of the Winter to come, at least the longer days start to lead into Spring.


Starting from number six there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number six there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

The house at Coleton Fishacre.Devon Janice of Leeds.

Legoland Windsor. 2007 Janice of Leeds.

Legoland.Windsor. Janice of Leeds.

Lunch time with the deer in The New Forest. Janice of Leeds.

Hill House (Rennie Mackintosh designed)
Scotland. Janice of Leeds.

Thornton is still not as he is normally, he is very quite, not attempting to go out just laying most of the time on one of the Dog blankets in the kitchen.. I have seen him eat a little and he has passed droppings and urine, amounts more than I would expect for the little that I have seen him eat or drink, but a least something is happening. I cant be a 100% but It could be that he has a small compaction in his gut and that it is starting to clear with the help of the liquid Paraffin that he had at the Veterinaries yesterday.

We managed to get Willow and Gypsy in to the barn area that we stabled them last year. Getting them in went a lot easier than I thought it would be. We are a lot later than last year in getting them in. I should think that they are released. It is a lot easier to have the Fillies in as they are in a large area that is not cleared until the Spring. Trying to feed them in the Field was hard work. The rain we have had has made the gateway entrance of the Horse Field very muddy. When you walk in to the Field with every foot step you finish up getting stuck. A few times I have left one of my boots behind.


Starting from number one there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number one there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.





As Thornton had shown no signs of eating overnight I decided that he needed to see the Veterinary. We are very busy and really did not have the time to wait around the Farm Yard for the Veterinary to arrive so the best option was to drive Thornton to the Veterinary Practice in Minehead that is over twenty miles away.

As my vehicle had a Horse Trailer attached I had no option but to take one of my Lads cars. He wasn’t best pleased when he was told that Thornton was to be a back seat passenger. Like most Lads he was running the car on air so my first stop was a petrol station on the way to the Veterinary. The Garage is only small but we still managed to get a few comments about a Sheep in the back of the car. People must have thought that I was not all the ticket.

Thornton was examined at the Veterinaries, the only positive comment being that he was in very good condition. He was treated for possibilities rather than a positive diagnosis, receiving a jab of antibiotics, a jab of a pick you up and a dose of liquid paraffin that I insisted on, just in case he had a blockage in his gut. It has alway been our concern at what Thornton may eat. Most Sheep in the world graze on grass in a field, with the odd corn feed. Thornton feed on any thing that he see that he fancies. We constantly are taking wire, paper, string and lots of other bits that he nibbles at.

The Journey back home from the Veterinary was a nightmare. Thornton would not keep still. On the way to the Veterinary he was the ideal passenger, the complete opposite on the way back. I had to stop the car three times as he somehow managed to finish up on the floor stuck between to front and rear seats.

Thornton has been in the Farm House all day. He is having a little nibble at his feed and paper that he managed to pull down, and laying down half a sleep. This evening although he still not eating he is very much alert and getting into mischief pulling a tea towel and any thing else he can get to off of the work top. Hopefully he will start to eat soon.


Starting from number twelve there are four new photographs on…

Starting from number twelve there are four new photographs on the Photo Page.

We have lots of photograph for the Photo Page. All that you have sent in wikll be put on.

They have left me. Karen Stoke.

I think this lady .goes there every day to feed the geese, and ducks, it was lovely to watch she was talking to them. Karen Stoke.

This goose was desperate to get away as the seagulls were closing in on it but it got away. Karen Stoke.

Fred & Cleo have been told off, they both retreated to one of there baskets. Karen Stoke.

We put Arnie out into the Horse Field for a few hours today. He is still not a 100% but seems to be getting a little better every day.

Thornton seems a little under the weather. He hasen’t been eating as he normally does. He is walking around alright and we noticed him nibbling at the hay this morning. He dosen’t look in any distress we will watch him over the next few hours. With Thornton you can never know what he has eaten that may not agree with him.

Today we have sent to the Barn Owl Trust new equipment for next years (2009) Nest Box Webcam. With the new equipement we hope to broadcast the nesting in colour during the day and mono at night with infra-red lighting. We have also sent the wiring so that the broadcasting can be with sound.

The artical below was sent in by Marie.

Being an animal lover, I was reading this with interest when I had a good chuckle at the end.



Starting from number seven there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number seven there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

Photographs all sent in by Sue from her Cousins collection.

Karen don’t hurt your brain by worrying that the Female Reindeer are missing Padfoot. I am sure that they know that he has gone. In the wild the only real contact between Male and Females is in the rutting season. The Female Reindeer did not take any notice of Padfoot when he was in the Field dead. Don’t get me wrong when I first farmed I thought as you.

The only time when I have seen an animal being concerned for one that is dieing, is when Tass fussed around Jade the day and night before she died. We didn’t expect to find Jade dead in the morning that she died, but Tass knew.

When animals loose their young, even when still born they will try to revive their offspring and call out for them, sometimes for many days. Although I use milk I always feel sad when I hear Dairy Cows calling for their young that are more often than not taken from them after they have had the colostrum. Weaning Foals is not pleasant and I always feel for both the Mares and Foals.

The Charcoal Kiln arrived today. It is in a bit better condition that what I expected and other than a small amount welding it will do what we want it to do for a couple of years. I purchased it on Ebay for


Starting from number one there are six new photographs on…

Starting from number one there are six new photographs on the Photo Page.

Dear Mr and Mrs Farmer, We are all so sorry to hear about the death of Padfoot, what a shock it was. I have put together a collection of photographs of Padfoot as a little tribute. Vicky, Diane and John.

I must admit losing Padfoot has been a great loss. We only had him for a short while. In that time I really enjoyed having him. He was never the threat that we were told he would be in the rutting season. The only time he showed any aggression, and I reckon that was him having a bit of fun, is when he put his antlers against the front wheel of the quad bike when we were taking it in to fix the fencing.

Padfoot mated with all of the Females and we did not see any return, so we are hoping that he will produce Calves in the Spring. It could be that he may not have been fertile as we do not know what his illness was. I was unable to take him for a Postmortem as a Fox or Badger had managed to maul his carcass at little in the night and any results would have been contaminated. Although you know my thought on hunting we do use the hunt kennels to dispose of our fallen stock. Hunt Kennel Men because of the amount and species of animals that they butcher are very good at seeing what animals have died of and he will be letting me know if he sees any thing that may have caused Padfoots death. He is also saving Padfoots antlers that we will mount.

We are now having to wait for the results of the blood and feces samples from the Female Reindeer at Cricket St Thomas, for I believe that Padfoot problems originated from there. If the results show that there is a virus or other illness that can be passed on to our Females we will need to take precaution and any measures that will stop them from dieing as Padfoot has. Once we know our Females are clear from any problems we will get another Bull Reindeer.

Arnie is a lot better, not a 100% but getting that way. He is eating as before he was ill and is a lot perkier. We have stable him from when he was ill. As long as he is alright in the morning we will let him out in the Horse Field for a few hours.


Starting from number eight there are eight new photographs on…

Starting from number eight there are eight new photographs on the Photo Page.

I got that one wrong. There have been sent a lot of photographs today that will last for about a week.

Pelicans in Green Park.London. Janice (Leeds)

Here’s Dartmouth on a lovely summer day! We have a holiday home in Brixham, we love Dartmouth. Janice of Leeds

Roses – Hyde Park London May 2008. Janice (Leeds)

Atmospheric Glencoe. Janice of Leeds

Slapton towards Torcross. Devon. Janice (Leeds)

Slapton Nature Reserve. Devon. Roll on summer days again! Janice of Leeds

Ladybird poppies at Coleton Fishacre Garden. Janice of Leeds

The house at Coleton Fishacre.Devon
Janice of Leeds

First of all the good news. Arnie is much better today. Not completely right but he is eating well and he is a lot perkier. I can only guess but it could be that hew slipped over or even rolled that caused a strain in his abdomen. The problem was in that area by the way that Arnie was stretching his rear legs.

Now the bad new. Padfoot died this afternoon. I was going to mention in last nights Diary that we had seen him scouring on Saturday, he was eating well but had lost some weight. Some weight loss would not have been unexpected after the rutting season, but he was not putting any weight on now that it was finished. I was going to call the Veterinary in this morning to give him a blood test, but I decided first to phone Cricket St Thomas Zoo from where Padfoot came from to ask a few questions. There remaining Reindeer were also scouring badly and were being treated by their Veterinary. They had also had two Reindeer die over the past months. One before we collected Padfoot and one after.

I collected antibiotic and multivitamin from the Veterinary, that we injected him with at about 1.0pm. At when I went to feed the Reindeer Padfoot was down and taking his last breath.

I had seen him as did Karen on the webcam walking about this afternoon, so to find him dieing really was a shock. We are going to take him to Bristol Veterinary College in the morning for a postmortem, that we hope will tell us what Padfoot died from. We are concerned for our three Female Reindeer after learning of the same trouble with the Reindeer at the Zoo. The only comfort is that Padfoot was scouring a while back and the Females have not had any problems yet. We are hoping for the best.


Starting from number six there are two new photographs on…

Starting from number six there are two new photographs on the Photo Page.

Unfortunately we have no more photographs to put on the Photo Page. Had it not been for Janice sending two in today there would not have been any.

I hope that I am wrong, but it could be that with recent lack of interest in both the Forum and Photo Page that both have come to the end of their sell by date. It may also be that the Forum is going in the wrong direction as I have received a number of emails from disillusioned viewers telling me that the Forum is becoming an agony page with too many illnesses being described with full details. I have always allowed a good amount of freedom in what is allowed on the Forum. Being a friendly Forum all using it want to know of the welfare of each other, but try to keep it to recent happenings.

Christmas Decorations at Chatsworth House.2008. Janice. of Leeds.

Christmas decorations at Chatsworth House, Derbyshire. Janice of Leeds.

We did have a few floods in our area after Thursday nights rain. It was only being told by one of our Holiday Guests and the amount of water around the Farm Yard that I realised what a storm it was, for I had slept through it all. It must have also been very windy as there were a number of objects, some heavy that had been blown about.

Driving around the Country Lanes delivering the logs we could see just how much rain there had been. The small brooks and streams had turned into raging rivers flooding many roads that we needed to drive very slowly through or we may have flooded the car. Last night we had a very bad frost that caused more problems with turning the puddles and wet roads into ice, that made driving this morning a little dangerous, but it soon thawed out.

After returning down the drive from a quick hour of Christmas Shopping we noticed Arnie laying down in the Horse Field. At the time he didn’t look uncomfortable although Arnie doesn’t lay down very often. On fetching the Horses in for their night feed Arnie was not first at the gate waiting to come in as normal and needed to be led in. He was very wet and cold under his turnout rug caused by both wet and sweat. He had little interest in his feed, eating very little, not like Arnie at all. He was also pawing a little at the floor and stretching his back legs as if in discomfort with colic.

We have rugged Arnie to dry him out and to get him warm. His droppings are normal that takes away one concern, and he seemed to be in less discomfort, although still a bit cold at 7.0pm. We will keep an eye on him through the night to make sure that he warms up and is starting to get better.


Starting from number one there are five new photographs on…

Starting from number one there are five new photographs on the Photo Page.

There are no more photographs to go onto the Photo Page.

1/ Sandford on Thames lock cut, I spend many an hour fishing here! Clive

2/ Small weir pool at the start of the lock cut.
at Sandford. Clive

3/ The river which runs to the big weir at Sandford. Clive

4/ This bit of river is called the Fiddlers Elbow, it is between Sandford and Kennington. Clive

5/ The small weir at the side of Iffley lock, about 2 miles downstream of Oxford. All the pictures were taken on a walk on Saturday. Clive

We are still getting a few problems with our hacker although we are starting to narrow down who it may be. We have by tracing the IP address seen that the hacker has a connection to a major UK city. Be it that his or hers broadband supplier is located there, or even the hacker them self. I will let you know how we progress.

We invited a Woodland Officer from the Forestry Commission to put us in the right direction to manage Ash Wood that we purchased a month ago. Our first step is to have a Woodland Assessment carried out. The Commission has a grant to help with the costs. This will put us in the right direction to put the Wood in good order after years of neglect by Somerset Count Council the previous owner.

The Assessment will give a direct approach to what would be best for the Wood. The Woodland Officer confirmed my appraisal that the Wood needs thinning to allow regeneration by allowing more light into the Wood. There is some natural generation but not as much as is needed. There are many very large Ash and Oak but not a lot to replace them. Thinning and replanting would get the Wood in a lot better state.

Being an Ancient Woodland any felling of Trees will need a licence, that will only be given if it is necessary for the good of the Wood. Over the years many tree have fallen that we are cutting and chopping for logs. There are so many that with just those that are fallen there will be a good few years of logs that can be sold. We have also purchased an oldish Charcoal Kiln so that we can produce Charcoal. Over 90% of all Charcoal that is sold in the UK is imported from Countries with many unstainable Woods and Forests. The cost to our environment in transporting imported Charcoal is worth the effort to try to produce even a little at Denbury.